The Russians are Coming? Why Attention to Cyber Defense is More Critical Than Ever

The new-found “Red Scare” arising from the revelation of Russian-government directed cyber attacks against the U.S., reminds me of a wonderful line from the movie “Casablanca.”  Captain Renault, a reluctant Vichy-police official with rather flexible views on the vice of gambling, is pressured by the Nazi’s to find any pretext … Read more

Electronic Weapons of Mass Disruption

In World War II, Nazi Germany unleashed thousands of Wonder Weapon attacks against it’s foes. Technologically-advanced V-1 and V-2 guided missiles caused over 33,000 casualties in England alone. As innovative as these weapons were, however, they lacked the precision targeting capability needed to be of significant tactical value and to … Read more

Apple vs. the FBI: A Game of Tug of War

Privacy vs. Security:   The rights of the individual versus the needs of the collective This old conflict is playing out on a new stage in the debate between Apple and the FBI over the San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook’s locked iPhone. The FBI is demanding Apple’s assistance in … Read more

Threats to the Grid: The Canary in the Coal Mine is Singing

The U.S. Electrical Grid has been basking in the warmth of false security for some time now, due in part to our geographic isolation from conflict zones in the Middle East and the former Soviet Union where critical infrastructure regularly comes under attack. Given very recent threat incidents abroad however, … Read more

Sony, NERC & Cyber Vulnerability

To the chagrin of just about everyone, Sony capitulated to the hacker’s demands and threats – sending absolutely the wrong message.  What was Sony thinking? From a long-term view and national perspective, the action they took was in error. If you give in to the demands of terrorists, they will … Read more